Relaxation Activities
Relaxation goes beyond mere peace of mind or indulging in hobbies; it's a process that diminishes the impact of stress on both your mind and body. Discover self-help relaxation methods that can alleviate stress symptoms and enhance your overall well-being.

Deep Breathing
Try breathing in for 4 seconds and out for 5 seconds, slow and steady. As you breathe in, stick out your stomach like you are pregnant. As you breathe out, let your stomach relax back into its natural position. Start with 4-5 sets of this and work your way up to 5 minutes.

This can include any time of pleasant activity outside in green space. You might choose hiking, biking, sitting on the patio, walking your dog, etc. It helps produce vitamin D, which can help with energy and the immune system. Being in nature and out of a big city environment is linked to better focus and concentration, memory, and mood.

This can include an array of things that provide positive emotion. This isn’t about numbing out, so television, gaming, Facebooking, etc. don’t provide the same benefits as things like playing music, fishing, hiking, building models, running, biking, gardening, etc.

Enjoy listening to familiar music that comforts you and evokes positive memories and associations. Instead of putting on music as background noise, set aside time to concentrate on what you hear, taking note of the feelings, memories, and bodily sensations (whether that's a slowing of your heart rate or the urge to get up and dance) that arise as you listen. Feel free to sing along. That can add benefit to an already helpful activity.

Time Spent With Family and Friends
Lengthens lifespan, improves immune system, lowers risk of dementia, increases general sense of wellbeing, and lowers symptoms of depression.

Progressive Relaxation
The goal is to release tension from your muscles, while helping you recognize what that tension feels like. When practiced regularly, this technique may help you manage the physical effects of stress. Choose a group of muscles, tense them, and then as you exhale release the tension.

Research showed people who prayed daily tended to have fewer depressive symptoms, and higher levels of life satisfaction, self-esteem, and positive affect, in comparison to those who never prayed.

Journaling is the act of keeping a record of your personal thoughts, feelings, insights, and more. It can be written, drawn, or typed. Although some research shows people get more benefits out of the writing and drawing type of journaling. Journaling 15 minutes a day, 3 days a week has been shown to decrease anxiety and increase feelings of well-being.

Take 1 minute and think about something pleasant, fun, praise-worthy. You can focus on a good memory, a dream you have, a person you love, a time of accomplishment, etc. Don’t focus on anything that brings in negativity.

Pets can help provide a sense of purpose, companionship that lowers levels of loneliness, acceptance, and improved mood.

Numerous medical studies agree that laughter is a natural mental health remedy and a great stress relief medicine. Laughing automatically triggers positive physical and mental changes that help to relax your mind. It can lower pain responses, boost your immune system, and improve mood.

A combination of stretching and breathing to help with relaxation, sleep, and strength, endurance, and sore body parts.
Stretching Video
Mountain Scenery Relaxation Without Music
Mountain Scenery Relaxation With Music